Dr. Vo Thanh Thu

Doctor Specialist I in Cosmetic Surgery

Doctor Vo Thanh Thu studied at Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy, majoring in General Medicine. Graduated in 1992 from Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy. 

With more than 30 years of experience in the medical field. Over the years, with the desire to perfect Vietnamese beauty, Dr. Thu has performed thousands of cosmetic surgeries, helping thousands of customers retain their youth. Having 13 years of cosmetic experience, Doctor Vo Thanh Thu constantly studies and practices to improve his professional knowledge and skills to serve customers better and better.

Professional Certificates

Dr. Vo Thanh Thu
Dr. Vo Thanh Thu
Dr. Vo Thanh Thu
Dr. Vo Thanh Thu
Dr. Vo Thanh Thu
Dr. Vo Thanh Thu
Dr. Vo Thanh Thu
Dr. Vo Thanh Thu
Dr. Vo Thanh Thu
Dr. Vo Thanh Thu
Dr. Vo Thanh Thu
Dr. Vo Thanh Thu
Dr. Vo Thanh Thu
Dr. Vo Thanh Thu

Years of Experience

With many years of professional experience, Doctor Vo Thanh Thu always believes and puts his enthusiasm first to beautify many women.

Wishing Vietnamese beauty to reach far like Uncle Ho's saying: "The mind is the inspiration, beauty is the result."


Dr. Vo Thanh Thư is a member of Vietnamese Society Of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 



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